Helm Interview Questions & Answers | part -1

Опубликовано: 25 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Deekshith SN

💡 💡 💡 💡 💡

In This video I have discussed about below interview questions

💥 💥 Time-stamps 💥 💥

❓ 0:34 - What and why we need helm charts? What helm charts version that you have worked with? and difference between helm 3 and helm 2?

❓ 26:38 - What are the files and folders in in helm charts and explain briefly about files & folders?

❓ 31:01 - Command to create standard helm chart structure and command to create helm release?

❓ 35:06 - Command to upgrade the release in helm charts?

❓ 37:19 - How do we refer the values from values.yaml?

❓ 42:30 - Need a command if release is already created then upgrade else create a new release?

❓ 46:11 - What are functions in helm charts & what are the functions that are commonly used?

❓ 59:40 - What Is the use of pipeline symbol in helm charts ?

❓ 1:01:58 - As Json validations on values.yaml, I like to enforce certain rules to be followed by my developers or devops engineers who works on helm charts.Certain rules might be in pod spec should have liveness, rediness probe. The image tag should not be latest and more rules like this. How can achieve this?

❓ 1:08:52 - Can deploy same helm charts across multiple environments ?

❓ 1:15:23 - Is it possible to ignore specific object to be deployed depending on env?

❓ 1:18:25 - We need to standardize labels of all the manifest files inside template folder is it possible? If we want change any labels need update at one place and it should be applied in all the manifest files?

❓ 1:20:23 - Command uninstall specific release?

❓ 1:20:48 Is it possible to create namespace using helm commands while installing the chart ?

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🔥🔥 Document references 🔥🔥
📰 helm functions list - https://helm.sh/docs/chart_template_g...
📰 datree docs - https://hub.datree.io/?utm_source=you... / https://www.datree.io/?utm_source=you...

🔥🔥 Video references 🔥🔥
🎥 Datree -    • Prevent Kubernetes Misconfigurations ...  
🎥 Helm Playlist -    • Helm 3 for beginners  

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