A sneak peak into our Bay Area Community Reception next week (in-person)
Register here: bit.ly/baymeet2024
Join us on September 28 in Bay Area, California to hear more from our youth leaders and a Hindu student panel along with other esteemed guests
This event will be the perfect opportunity to connect with community leaders and lawmakers
Not able to attend in-person? Be there in spirit.
Help the cause & donate: links.cohna.org/donate-ca
#Community #Reception #BayArea #California #Hinduism #CoHNA
Want to get active and get involved? Sign up to Volunteer for CoHNA. We’re always on the lookout for passionate people committed to the cause of Dharma and justice. With more volunteers and members, there’s so much more we can achieve for the Hindu Community.
Get involved: https://cohna.org/get-involved/
Check us out on Facebook: / cohnaofficial
Twitter: / cohnaofficial