EXTRACTION 2 MOVIE REACTION!! Chris Hemsworth | Netflix | First Time Watching

Опубликовано: 05 Февраль 2025
на канале: Reel Rejects

WHAT AN INSANE ONE-SHOT FIGHT SCENE! Extraction 2 Full Movie Reaction Watch Along:   / thereelrejects  
In this video, we react to the latest release of Extraction 2 on Netflix. This movie is an action-packed thriller starring Chris Hemsworth as Tyler Rake, a black ops mercenary who is sent on a mission to rescue a kidnapped boy in Bangladesh. The movie is full of non-stop action, suspense, and violence. In our reaction video, we share our thoughts on the movie's plot, characters, action sequences, and overall entertainment value. We also compare the movie to the first Extraction movie and discuss whether or not it is worth watching. Join us on this thrill ride as we experience 'Extraction 2' for the first time. Chris Hemsworth returns to the screen, bringing an unmatched level of non-stop action and suspense to this Netflix exclusive. Our movie reaction will delve into the intricacies of the plot, providing a comprehensive analysis of each character, and a thorough evaluation of the action sequences that truly define this action-thriller. With an entertainment value that keeps you on the edge of your seat, 'Extraction 2' invites comparison with its predecessor - we'll explore how the sequel stands up to the first 'Extraction' movie. So, if you're wondering whether 'Extraction 2' is worth watching, let's find out together in this reaction video
NOTE FOR YOUTUBE: Any & All Visual References To "Violence" Is NOT REAL! It Is From A FICTIONAL Movie Called "Extraction 2" where every moment is performed by a professional cast & crew. Audiences will understand this
#extraction2 #chrishemsworth #netflix #action #thriller #moviereaction #firsttimewatching
#nonstopaction #suspense #plot #actionsequences #entertainmentvalue
#worthwatching #extraction #chrishemsworthfan #netflixaddict #actionmovies #thrillermovies
#moviereactions #firsttimereaction #nonstopactionmovie #suspensefulmovie
#actionpacked #thrilling #mustwatch

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0:00 Leave A Like!
0:41 Extraction 2 Reaction
45:09 Extraction 2 Review
59:52 Patron Of The Day Shout Out

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