Roger Campbell, Co-founder of The BrainTrust LLC shares his promising journey with the LLM Bootcamp. While reviewing the bootcamp he mentioned :" I think it's a great program. It most definitely sets you on the path of getting you started and the resources that you obtain I think will help you continue along that journey.
Any technical person who kind of works in the space of engineering or machine learning that is looking to understand at a a high level and even a little bit of a deeper level on how to start thinking about these technologies and operating with them would be ideal candidates to attend the course.
It most definitely gave me a road map on where I need to dig in more, started to show me again the high level and started to give me some of the more nuance when it comes to how these technologies operate and they function.
And now I feel like I have a clear path to kind of go back and start diving in more and start developing these things."
💼 Learn to build LLM-powered apps in just 40 hours with our Large Language Models bootcamp both online and in-person ➡️
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