Kuchsiz Kompyuterlar Uchun Top 10Ta O'yinlar(ram:1gb)

Опубликовано: 15 Декабрь 2024
на канале: Gamewolf

Salom do'stlar sizlar bilan Game Wolf kanali.Kanalga xush kelibsiz.Bugungi videomiz obunachimiz tomonidan so'talgan yani top 10ta kuchsi kompyuterlar uchun oyinlar haqida boladi.Video yoqsa like va kanalga obuna bo'lib qoying.

O'yinlar list:


2.Red fiction https://my.itorrents-igruha.org/1255-...

3.Two worlds 2 https://my.itorrents-igruha.org/7681-...

4.Mass effect 3 https://my.itorrents-igruha.org/1025-...

5.Kane and lynch https://my.itorrents-igruha.org/1368-...

6.Far cry 2 https://my.itorrents-igruha.org/980-0...

7.Call of pripreyt https://my.itorrents-igruha.org/141-0...

8.Syndicate https://my.itorrents-igruha.org/972-s...

9.Lost planet 2 https://my.itorrents-igruha.org/3649-...

10.Sniper Ghost https://my.itorrents-igruha.org/1132-...

Tezroq shoshiling sherik uchun joylar cheklangan⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️

➡️➡️➡️Telegram lichkam:@Yolgizbek_20

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