Note: This virus is Harmless and can only shutdown the PC...
But I will not be responsible for anything if anything goes wrong with the PC....
Wanna Prank someone You love...
Then Why don't You try this video...
In this video I have made a simple virus using notepad...
Just Open Notepad in your PC...
And type the following codes...
@echo off
color 57
echo Hey, do you love me (only answer in yes or no)
set /p love=
if %love%==yes goto love
if %love%==no goto hate
echo I love you too...
echo Meet you soon :)
echo But I love you....hehehehehe
echo You are hacked...
echo Your PC will crash in 10 seconds
timeout 10
shutdown -s -t 100
After typing, Save the file as Love.bat
Now give this file to the person you want through pendrive or as an attachment and convince them to execute this file....
This virus is harmless and can only shutdown their PC if they type "NO" when the program asks them....
But I will not be responsible for anything if anything Goes wrong with their PC..