The controller I use for Tekken! (Haute42 B16)
Tekken 8 is HILARIOUS - PART 2
Greenscreen legend / @murdoinkgs
OH MY DAYUM schmoyoho • OH MY DAYUM ft. @DaymDrops
Dog of Wisdom / @joegran
K-kk-k-kk KINGU!!? • K-kk-k-kk KINGU!!?
Twitch / andrew_jrt
Twitter / andrew_jrt
Discord / discord
Youtube Member / @andrewjrt
Patreon / andrewjrt
TEKKEN 7 Beginning of the end
Jet Set Radio Sneakman
Super Mario 3D World Main Theme
Pokémon Accumula Town
Tekken 3 Jin
Wii Sports Wii Sports Theme
Sonic Lost World Honeycomb Highway
Yoshi Island theme
The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Lookout Landing
Tekken Moonlit Wilderness + D.T.O. Mix
Charlie Schmidt's Keyboard Cat
Sonic Mania Metallic Madness Zone Act 2
Tekken 3 Attract Embu
The Slow Mo Guys Slow Motion Soundtrack
Animal Crossing New Horizons Airport Counter
Animal Crossing New Horizons Visitor Arrival
The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker Inside the Pirate Ship
The Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker Fencing Instruction
The Simpsons Hit & RunCar Selection
World Map Super Mario RPG
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Shop
DSi Shop Theme