We are proud to show you our cover of the amazing Jumalten Aika by Moonsorrow.
We put a lot of time and hard work into this project and we hope you like it. The videos where shot in Czech Republic and Germany and it took us almost half a year to put everything together piece by piece. I am not a native finnish speaker, so I am sorry for every wrong pronunciation.
For myself I would like to tell you that the basslines on the Jumalten Aika album are pretty amazing. You can hear that they are well composed with a lot of great ideas which support the atmosphere of the songs.
Thanks for watching and leave us a comment with your thoughts in the comment section! Happy New Year!
Creia Wraith's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/creiawraitho...
My Facebook page: / mike-seidel-bassistvocalist-702192626546082
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