How to install SH schema in Oracle Database 19c running in Windows - Sales History Schema

Опубликовано: 10 Октябрь 2024
на канале: java frm

1. Extract the downloaded oracle sample schema scripts to ORACLE_HOME\demo\schema
2. Change directory to sales_history and Change the _SUB_CWD_ to absolute path in sql files wherever necessary as shown in the video.
3. Modify the tnsnames.ora to add orclpdb (pluggable database) as service and restart the oracle listener service.
4. Check the orclpdb is opened in read write mode before executing the queries, else execute this query
alter pluggable database orclpdb open read write;
5. Now login to sqlplus like "sys@orclpdb as sysdba". You can directly login to orclpdb pluggable database because you already added entry to tnsnames.ora
6. Execute the sh_main.sql and provide the inputs as shown in the video.
7. After executing check the logs for any errors if no errors you are done.
8. Open the SQL Developer and login as sh/sh and service name as "orclpdb" and check all objects are available in the schema.

Sample database schema can be downloaded from:

Important Note: Since I am installing in my local machines i will be using connection string as "orclpdb" input while installation of some schemas.
"localhost:1521/orclpdb" also valid connection string.

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