👉 Code : https://github.com/basir/next-pg-shad...
👉 Demo : https://next-pg-shadcn-ecommerce.verc...
👉 Q/A : https://github.com/basir/next-pg-shad...
Build and Deploy a Full ECommerce Website Like Amazon By Nextjs, Postgres, Shadcn, Drizzle ORM
00:00 01 introduction
00:04:09 2.1 install tools on windows
00:09:27 2.2 install tools on mac
00:12:54 2.3 configure vs code
00:16:37 03 create next app
00:24:23 04 create website layout
00:36:06 05 list products
00:44:32 06 setup drizzle orm and postgres database
00:57:28 07 load products from database
01:03:04 08 deploy on Vercel
01:06:05 09 create product details page
01:17:08 10 implement authentication
01:40:48 11 create new user
01:53:08 12 implement add to cart
02:27:16 13 create shopping cart page
02:39:47 14 get shipping address
02:56:57 15 select payment method
03:09:23 16 place order
03:27:09 17 create order details page
03:37:04 18 pay order by PayPal
03:54:50 19 create orders history page
04:08:42 20 create user profile form
🔥 Get Complete Course for $9.99 By Joining Pro Membership Here:
• 21 create admin dashboard
👉 You'll get Admin Dashboard, Search Products, Product Carousel, Stripe Payment, Email Receipts and much more features in Pro Membership.
#nextjs #postgresql #ecommerce #shadcn #beginners
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