After being exiled from the kingdom, Lord Richard and his family settle in the Frosted Kingdom. All seems peaceful, however some of Lord Richard's subjects aren't too happy with the King.
Special thanks to
Popplio Power: Help with sprites, voice of Rodrick Solberg, Halbert Koopa, Ronan Blackfoot, John Sylver, Kuthbert Sylver, Lord Redstone, Rufus Cinnabar, Agron Ironside / @roseydog07
Carmen: Queen Cynder, Rose Python, Anna Koopa, Rosanna Sylver, Lady Pyrch / @carmenchihiro1067
Swoldow EVGRB: Intro and transition music, voice of Theodrick Solberg, Berwick Python, Horace Sylver, Manfred Python, Birchard Python, Hayez Blackfoot, Symon Blackfoot (the Mad) Lord Cinnabar, Lord Rook, Kyllian Byrn / @sw0ld0w
Quantum: Alain Blackfoot, Lord Hoarfrost, Siebold Skayles / @quantumva
AverageToaster19: Jane Phoenix, Lily Python / @averagetoaster19
Mononerd: Blayne Phoenix, Sigmund "Sigred" Phoenix, Lord Waldron / @mono_nerd_production
GengarOfTheOpera: Wulfgar Hoarfrost, Lord Kolfax / @goto745
YuriHaru567: Sabryna Redstone, Ursula Koopa / @yuriharu5676
gamesnathanlikes: Torrence Python, Lord Bryce of Shiveria / @gamesnathanlikes
BluePastels: Lady Glacia of Shiveria, Lady Russet / @bluepastels
Cowabunga: Help with sprites including Riverside Park, voice of Godwin Koopa, Belgar Blackfoot / @cowabunga5525
YoshiEgg95: Raymund Kassimeer / @yoshiegg9595
Oatzimir: Help with sprites
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