This is a duel using the Sprial Spear Strike structure deck in YuGiOh Master Duel, it was a lot of fun to use. Gaia the Fierce Knight is a major powerhouse of the deck, plus there are a lot more powerful monsters that you can ritual summon from this deck. My opponent was using an Exodia the Forbidden One deck, his strategy was to keep drawing cards so he could get all five pieces of Exodia in his hand. Thank you all for watching, please be sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel. Til next time - Deathfatty Gaming. #yugioh #konami #blueeyeswhitedragon #blueeyesultimatedragon #darkmagicianyugiohdeckcombo #blackwingyugioh #spiralspearstrike #blackwingyugioh #redeyesblackdragon #exodiatheforbiddenone #masterduel #cards #gaming #steam #like #subscribe