The Bowie Collective at at The Alban Arena on Sunday 19 April 2020
A Journey Into The Mind Of The Rock ’n Roll Alien
Take an incredible two hour trip through the finest work of David Bowie. This group of rock musicians, artists and performers recreate Bowie’s most iconic recordings in exquisite detail against a spell-binding backdrop of lights and visual magic.
With glowing endorsements from the likes of Rick Wakeman and Mike Garson this exciting show is a must for Bowie fans and the Bowie-Curious! From the dark depths of isolation and fractured reality of Berlin to the sheer celebration of Let’s Dance, the amazingly accurate Bowie Collective make it their mission to give you the Bowie show you always wanted – and will never forget.
“Excellent, you guys did it proud” – Rick Wakeman
“Congratulations, the best I’ve seen” – Mike Garson