This video contains detailed solution of following question:-
Define a #class to accept a string and convert it into #uppercase,print the new #string by swapping first and last character of the string.
Link of all important string questions:-
Replace first and last character:- • replace first and last character of s...
Frequency of each character:- • frequency of each letter of sentence ...
Frequency of each character(BLUEJ Code+Explanation):- • frequency of each letter of sentence ...
Reverse characters of a string :- • Reverse a string | Reverse a sentence...
Reverse words in string :- • reverse word of string in java | stri...
All combination of three and four letter word without repetition(BLUEJ) :- • print all combination without repetit...
All combination of three and four letter word without repetition:- • all combination of three letter word ...
print initials of a name :- • Print initals of a name input by user...
print Initials of name(with full surname) :- • print initials with full surname | st...
Print names which stat and end with same character(String array) :- • display all names which start and end...
Replace all letters in string with characters following it :- • Replace all characters with next char...
from a sentence print names which start and end with same letter :- • Print names which start and end with ...
print names which start and end with "R" or "r"(String array) :- • print strings which start with 'r' OR...
program to assign 5 names to an array of #strings.Count and print number of lowercase letters in each name(BLUE J) :- • Assign 5 names to an array of strings...
program to assign 5 names to an array of #strings.Count and print number of lowercase letters in each name(BLUE J) :- • Assign 5 names to an array of strings...
replace all vowels with next character :- • Replace vowel with character followin...
remove all vowels from string OR print all consonants in string :- • Print consonants | Remove all vowels ...
print each word of a sentence in separate line :- • Print each word in separate line | ic...
print all pair of vowels in a sentence :- • Print pair of vowels | Print number o...
print in capital only first letter of each word of a sentence separated by a full stop :- • icse specimen question 2020 || semest...
PIGLATIN WORD :- • Piglatin Word | icse semester 2 | com...
PALINDROME STRING :- • Define a class to accept string conve...
change case of all letters of string :- • swap case of each character | icse co...
print length of longest word in a sentence:- • Write a program to input sentence,pri...
print all pair of letters/print double letter sequences:- • Count and output double letter sequen...
program to assign a full path and file name as given below. Using library functions, extract and output the file path, file name and file extension separately:- • icse semester2 computer application |...
Define a class to accept and store 10 strings into the array and print the strings with even number of characters:- • Define class to accept and store 10st...
Define a class to accept two strings, convert them into uppercase, check and display whether two strings are equal or not, if the two strings are not equal, print the string with the highest length or print the message both the strings are of equal length :- • icse specimen paper semester 2 soluti...
Link of all important array questions:-
Greatest and smallest number in an integer array:- • Program to accept 10 numbers in a sin...
find and print greatest and smallest number in array and also their sum and product(BLUE J code+Explanation) :- • greatest and smallest elements of arr...
replace all even number with 0 and odd with 1 in array and then display array elements in separate line:- • replace even number with 0 and odd wi...
declare char array of size 15,accept elements in array and count and display number of vowels in array and count and display number of digits in array:- • count and display number of vowels | ...
sum of even indices elements and product of odd indices elements :- • Sum of elements at even indices | Pro...
declare array of size 20 of double type,accept elements from user,calculate and print sum of all elements and highest value of the array :- • icse specimen paper semester 2 soluti...