'Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwara' is a Sanskrit spiritual chant, recited in praise of the Trimurti , that is, Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva (Maheshwara).
Usually This Shlok Is Recited To Naman Our Guru.
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Lyrics In English:-
GururBrahma GururVishnu GururDevo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha|
Lyrics In Sanskrit:-
गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु र्गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः
गुरु साक्षात परब्रह्मा तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः