This project is about Online Event Management System for college-based students. Conduction of events previously was done at a high level. However, as time proceeds further, everyone can arrange events as per their stipulation. An Event Management website carries out the complexity of conducting events in online-based mode and as to fix the event frequently and to get the attendant accurate information about the event. The project that will help an event organizing for college. In our process, they conducting the college event management. The system have user page. The page where the user can visit the URL and register the URL to access the application. Then, we have to book the events and participate the events.
Including Packages
Base Paper
Complete Source Code
Complete Documentation
Complete Presentation Slides
Flow Diagram
Database File
Execution Procedure
Readme File
Video Tutorials
Supporting Softwares
24/7 Support
Ticketing System
Voice Conference
Video On Demand *
Remote Connectivity *
Code Customization **
Document Customization **
Live Chat Support *
Toll Free Support *
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