in this video of code decode we have covered top 20 java 8 stream operations.
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In java 8 coding interview, there can be a tricky question that we might not be able to solve if we dont know all possible operations available
So today we will see all such operations and there usages so that we can apply them on the go. This can help in understanding their usage and implications.
Certainly! Below is a list of Java 8 Stream API operations, each with a question that focuses on achieving a specific goal using the operation, followed by the solution. This format will help in understanding how to use each operation effectively.
1. `**filter**`
*Question:* Fetch all numbers from a list that are greater than 5.
*Question:* Transform a list of strings into a list of their uppercase versions
*Question:* Given a list of lists of strings, flatten them into a single list of strings.
*Question:* Remove duplicates from a list of integers.
*Question:* Sort a list of names in reverse alphabetical order.
*Question:* Print each element in a list while converting them to uppercase.
*Question:* Fetch the first 3 elements from a list of integers.
*Question:* Skip the first 4 elements and fetch the remaining elements from a list of integers.
*Question:* Print each element of a list of strings with a prefix "Item: ".
*Question:* Collect a list of integers into a `Set`.
*Question:* Compute the product of all numbers in a list.
The `allMatch` method in Java Streams is used to check if all elements in the stream satisfy a given predicate. It returns `true` if every element in the stream matches the predicate, and `false` otherwise.
*Short-Circuiting:* The `allMatch` operation is short-circuiting, meaning it stops processing as soon as it finds the first element that does not match the predicate. If it finds such an element, it immediately returns `false`.
*Question:* Check if all numbers in a list are positive.
The `anyMatch` method checks whether *at least one element* in the stream matches a given predicate. It returns `true` as soon as it finds an element that satisfies the predicate and stops further processing. If no elements match, it returns `false`
`anyMatch` is short-circuiting, meaning it stops processing as soon as it finds the first element that matches the predicate, optimizing performance.
The `noneMatch` method in Java Streams is used to check if *no elements* in the stream match a given predicate. It returns `true` if none of the elements satisfy the predicate and `false` if at least one element does.
Like `allMatch` and `anyMatch`, `noneMatch` is short-circuiting. It stops processing as soon as it finds the first element that matches the predicate and immediately returns `false`
*Question:* Check if no elements in a list are negative.
is used to retrieve the *first element* in a stream that matches a given condition or simply the first element in the stream if no filtering is applied. It returns the first element wrapped in an `Optional`, which is a container object that may or may not contain a non-null value.
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