This view of one of the most ridiculous things I've done with Space Engineers subgrids was captured by Cyph, as he and the other 'player NPCs' watched on with amusement while I saved TFE from the chasm in the most ridiculous of fashions :D
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Работа в команде, 5 основных ошибок.
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Cosy Construction Shed - Scrapyard #28
Never Ask A Space Ship - Assertive Acquisition #98
Mr Squiggle to the Rescue - Scrapyard #27
Satisfying Subgrid Physics - Winch Chasm
A Bridge to Nowhere and a Station to Wait On - Scrapyard #24
Trying to Outrun the Polar Drones | Scrapyard #23
Stealing from the Space Port - Assertive Acquisitions #93
Train Expansions with All the Helpers - Scrapyard #22
Polar Ice Hunt No. 2 - Scrapyard #21
Flares of Celebration, Commiseration and Distraction - Assertive Acquisitions #91
The Train in Green Fled Across the Desert... | Scrapyard #19
Speeding into battle - Assertive Acquisitions #89
Mad Me: Fury Rail - Scrapyard #17
But Can it Lift? - Scrapyard #16
The Un-Seeing Eye of Capac - Assertive Acquisitions #87
A Story in 2 Pieces - Assertive Acquisitions #86
Running Around like a Headless Chook - Scrapyard #14
A Little off Kilter - Scrapyard #12
The Fastest Forklift in the Future - Scrapyard #11
Handles like a Bus - Scrapyard #10
That's Supposed to Happen - Assertive Acquisitions #84
Capac: Unanticipated Explorer - Assertive Acquisitions #82
Scouting the Frozen South - Scrapyard #6
Capac Resistant Building - Assertive Acquisitions #81