Some practical advice and how-to's for loading data (CSV, Excel, JSON, ...) to an Oracle Database using our tools, such as #SQL #Developer, SQL Developer Web, SQLcl, or even via #REST APIs.
video chapters
6:40 Demo: Building New tables from CSV/Excel using SQL Devleoper Wizards
19:11 Using SQLDev to help build SQLLDR scenarios
20:18 Demo: Importing data with SQL Developer Web
26:20 One line command: importing CSV using SQLcl
28:37 REST APIs and Loading data
31:32 SQLcl and Data Pump
39:00 Q&A
Additional Resources
11 Tips for importing from Excel
The Slides
Using SQL Developer to setup CSV to be loaded via SQL*Loader:
SQLcl and Data Pump:
Bulk Load an Oracle TABLE using CSV via REST API, HTTPS POST