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Online Examination System In PHP CodeIgniter with source code Download For Free. free projects codes
Online Examination System In PHP CodeIgniter Download For Free
Download completely functional Online Examination System In PHP CodeIgniter project for Student to learn and develop additional feature. Today Because of its speed and efficiency, the PHP Online Examination System has become a popular examination method. In addition, the examination requires fewer staff to complete. Almost all firms now use an online examination method to conduct objective exams, which saves students time in exams. Organizations can also simply assess a student’s performance in an examination they administer. As a result, businesses are releasing outcomes in a shorter period of time. It also benefits the environment by reducing the amount of paper used. Online examination project in PHP is extremely useful to understand it according to today’s needs.
A completely functional project based on an Online Examination System that makes use of the PHP programming language and the CodeIgniter Web Framework. The PHP CodeIgniter project below has all of the necessary capabilities for final-year IT students to employ in their college projects. It has a number of tools that allow users to manage and participate in online exams. The principle of this system, as well as the online application, is quite obvious. It’s similar to real-life scenarios and has been well-implement. Please scroll down to the bottom of this post for the Download button to get a free online exam system project in PHP MySQL CodeIgniter Framework with source code files.
What is an online examination system?
Examinees receive their user id and password with their admission card in an online examination system. The examination server has already saved this id. The examiner’s profile will already filled out when he or she connects on to the server. . Examine receives the message to begin the examination at a specific time. server will save All of examiner’s responses, together with his or her profile information. If the examinee has to amend an answer during the examination time period, the online examination system allows it. Changes are permitted after that time period. So this makes double-checking the solution simple and error-free, as computers are more accurate and deliver faster answers than humans. Since PHP is a web-based language, we can use it to develop an online examination system
Available Features:
Teacher Panel
Student Panel
Administrator Panel
Manage Course, Department, Class
Student Management
Teacher Management
Set Relations
Set Questionnaires
Conduct and Manage Examinations
Examination Token Code
Attend Online Exam
List Student’s Result
Download Result (PDF).
Project Name: Online Examination System PHP
Language/s Used: PHP with CodeIgniter Web Framework
PHP version (Recommended): 7 or Newer
Database: MySQL
Type: Web Application
Developer: Muhammad Ghifari Arfananda
Updates: 0
Overview of the PHP Project for an Online Exam System.