In specifically, this PHP CodeIgniter project for an Online Hospital Management System focuses on keeping track of the patient’s actions. To be more specific, the system aids in the tracking of doctors, patients, nurses, departments, and other hospital personnel. The system also includes all report management and bed allocations. The system also allows for the management of medicine categories, billings, and other features. This project clearly has an admin panel that includes a doctor, patient, nurse, accountant, and pharmacist. A nurse has a minor role and control over the system in this online application’s overview. He or she has the ability to manage patients, view appointments, and generate reports. The user can also manage bed wards, allotments, and blood banks, where the nurse can enter donor names and blood information.
Available Features:
Admin Panel
Doctor Panel
Patient Panel
Nurse and Pharmacist Panel
Accountant Panel
Set up Doctor’s Department
Doctor Management
Patient Management
Make Appointments
Manage Prescriptions
Nurse Management
Pharmacist Management
View Payment History
Invoice Management
Set up Bed Numbers
Bed Allotment
Admit Patients, Admit History
Manage Patient Report
Diagnosis Report
Add Medicine Records
Blood Bank Management
Update User Profile
System Settings
Notice Management