The Weeknd Top 10 Hits All Time - Hot 10 Songs This Week 2024
[00:00:00] - 01. C̲a̲̲ll O̲̲̲u̲̲t M̲y N̲a̲̲me̲̲
[00:03:49] - 02. S̲ta̲̲rbo̲̲y
[00:08:18] - 03. R̲e̲̲mi̲̲nde̲̲r
[00:11:57] - 04. T̲he̲̲ H̲i̲̲lls
[00:16:07] - 05. D̲i̲̲e̲̲ F̲o̲̲r Y̲o̲̲u̲̲
[00:20:22] - 06. P̲a̲̲rty M̲o̲̲nste̲̲r
[00:22:44] - 07. E̲̲̲a̲̲rne̲̲d i̲̲̲t
[00:26:16] - 08. C̲re̲̲e̲̲pi̲̲n
[00:29:20] - 09. B̲li̲̲ndi̲̲ng L̲i̲̲ghts
[00:33:00] - 10. D̲i̲̲e̲̲ F̲o̲̲r Y̲o̲̲u̲̲
#TheWeeknd #Pop #Popmusic #Popsongs
the weeknd, the weeknd playlist 2024, greatest hits, playlist, best songs, album, top songs, Pop music, Pop songs