Learn first words for toddlers in Dutch in Episode 2 'First Words'! First words for toddlers, learn words in a fun and simple way. In this second episode you will learn how to pronounce activities like cycling, jumping and swimming in Dutch. Through pictures and short videos, children will learn Dutch in this educational video for toddlers.
I try to make my videos autism-friendly; I originally started my channel for my own son with autism, so every video is 'checked' with him first. By presenting animals/first words in a fun and simple & clean way, combining drawings of animals but also videos, and recurring characters (like sock) I try to achieve this.
Peuters en Kleuters (Toddler Coddler) is a bilingual channel focussing on Dutch and English. As from 2018, all videos will have a Dutch version, an English version, and a Dutch/English combined video. In the future I'd like to expand to German and French too. For more first word videos, check Toddler Coddler :).