Headphones are recommended for a good listen.
Lyrics and Music - Pawel Piotrowski
Recorded at PETRUS Studio (Krakow/Wieliczka)
Mix i Mastering - Lumic Studio (Warsaw)
Polish version of the song - • Pod krzyżem - Paweł Piotrowski
1. Dear fellow, beneath the Cross of Jesus
you are looking up to heaven
looking but you cannot see Him
Him Who Suffered so much for my being
You have just nothing to give Him
what’s yours now that you have not been given?
‘cos all you can do is keep loving
sacrifice your whole self as an offering
I don’t have anything to give You, my Lord
You expect no gifts to be offered
You love and You want to be loved
You go but You do not leave us
come take me there right with You
take my fate, take my life now
and I am giving to You
my affection, my heart, my elation
2. There’s nothing I’ve ever done for You, Lord
could not help with Your cross
and I never cared when You suffered
I did not come when You died there
You just did so much for me
gave Your life to save me
and I still cannot understand this
what’s meant by love that is boundless
I don’t have anything to give You, my Lord
You expect no gifts to be offered
You love and You want to be loved
You go but You do not leave us
come take me there right with You
take my fate, take my life now
and I am giving to You
my affection, my heart, my elation
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