Power BI Field Parameters - Why & how to use them?

Опубликовано: 04 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Chandoo

The latest Power BI feature - FIELD PARAMETERS can drastically change the way you and I make visuals for our reports. In this quick and to the point demo, let me show how we can implement then for improved story-telling.

🟧Download the sample file 👇
Download the sample file & play with this cool feature - https://files.chandoo.org/pbix/field-...

⏱In the video:
0:00 - Field Parameters in Power BI
1:28 - Enabling Field Parameters
2:03 - Field parameters for measures
4:25 - Field parameters with table columns

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What do you call someone who doesn't use parameters?
An amateur, of course 😂