Hello my dear coders,
In this video, I demonstrate how to use the ChatGPT API and show its functionality. I hope you enjoy it. Thumbs up!
There was a storm while I was recording the video. You'll hear lots of thunder.
Source code :https://github.com/servetgulnaroglu/c...
⌨️ Keyboard: IQUNIX Q66 Fluorescence Wireless Mechanical Keyboard with Holy Panda Switches (5% discount)
00:00 Start
00:35 Asking to GPT
02:05 Initializing the project
05:05 Copy pasting initial code
06:40 Setting colors
09:55 Setting the font
11:10 OpenAI API integration
17:41 Coding chat context
19:45 Bug fix
25:51 Improving UI
35:20 Testing
37:35 Asking if ChatGPT knows about the channel
41:20 Asking for video ideas
43:15 ChatGPT says hi