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Here are 10 facts about the Chinese language that you probably didn’t know:
00:00 Intro
00:44 Rich Homophonic Puns 丰富的同音双关语
02:04The beauty of chinese names 中文名的魅力
03:44 Number homophones 数字同音词
05:45 Color talk in characters 用色彩说话
07:39 Words reversed in order 顺序颠倒的词语
08:15 Reduplication 重叠字
09:21 Language and cuisine 语言和美食
09:55 Uncomplicated grammar 不复杂的语法
10:39 Chengyu 成语
11:49 Cracking the code 破解文字密码
If you are interested in learning Chinese, you can check out this step to step guide video: • How to learn Mandarin Chinese from 0-...
If you would like to learn more about the history and the evolution of this language, you can check out : • 🇨🇳The Chinese Language: A Quick Dive...
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