SCAMMER USES FAKE BSOD [and tries to syskey] (Tech Support Scams - "Vmak")

Опубликовано: 24 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Da532


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Today we endeavor into the antics of Vmak support. The technition first shows me problems in action center.. Then take me through the basic event viewer and msconfig trash. The fake BSOD was a nice touch. Not that it was long lived.


We all know of the infamous fake tech support scams. For a long time people thought there was no way to stop this kind of corruption, that was until the scam bait community formed to waste the time and money of the monsters. As time has passed, scammers are now more weary of connecting to strangers computers. This shows this is working.

Thank you for reading and please enjoy the wideo.

Sorry about the sort wideo but I had to get something out. I'm very busy as of lately. Hopefully next wideo I should have my new mic so I won't have to use my awful fuzz removal method.