47 тысяч подписчиков
45 видео
Tech Support Scams - "The Phone Support"
How to make an ACTUALLY good looking Discord server (DEFUNCT - NEW VIDEO EXISTS)
ANGRY SCAMMER INSULTS ME! [fake popup] (Tech Support Scams - "Live Technician"
How to make your own Discord bot! (Discord.py tutorial) #1 [LEGACY]
How to make your own Discord bot! (Discord.py tutorial) #2 [LEGACY]
How to make your own Discord bot in Python! (discord.py rewrite tutorial) #1
A gay time with Sam, Devon and Toony (1K VLOG)
How to fix Windows "Checking for Updates" bug. [100% WORKING] (7, 8.1, 10)
SCAMMER USES FAKE BSOD [and tries to syskey] (Tech Support Scams - "Vmak")
How to make an UNDETECTABLE VM
Building and installing a server IN A CARDBOARD BOX!
UnboxTherapy & EverythingApplePro's Fake AirPods Scam
Important channel updates and announcements (i60, advertisements, and content)
BEAUTIFY WINDOWS 10 (Arc theme for Windows 10)
How to install COD: ONLINE *2018*
SCAMMER VS WANNACRY RANSOMWARE (thinks he can recover the PC)
Why iSwitched (leaving Android for iOS)
How to make a BETTER Discord server
Reading your comments (30K special)
Is Windows Mobile really that bad?
SPOTIFY HACKERS HACKED! [Trolling spotify account hackers]
ENABLE AERO IN WINDOWS 10 (Creators Update)
Ratting a scammer pt. 2 (All questions answered)
SCAMMER GETS SCAMMED! [Free antivirus from a scammer]
E-MAIL SCAMMER STEALS MY PASSWORD! ["Logiwerse Nawigator"] (Tech Support Scams - EP. 17)
SCAMMER RATTED! [Getting into a scammer's PC] (Tech Support Scams -EP. 18)
SCAMMER PRETENDS TO BE MICROSOFT! [Fake CMD commands]( Tech Support Scams - "Fake Microsoft")
How to setup a Ghost blog on Plesk web hosting