Car prices in Russia will rise, thanks to the FCS.
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News today. The Federal Customs Service has become more active in checking car importers who register imports for individuals. This is reported by the newspaper "Izvestia". Prices for cars from the USA, Japan, Korea, Germany, Armenia, Europe, UAE, Georgia, America, China, Dubai and Kazakhstan will increase.
The resource clarifies that he received a copy of the letter sent to one of these importers by the Federal Customs Service for the Republic of Bashkortostan. News of Russia today.
“Customs officials were interested in 12 new Toyota cars imported to Russia from Kazakhstan. Car prices in Russia. Five Land Cruiser Prado SUVs, three Land Cruiser 300s, two C-HR crossovers and one RAV 4. All of these vehicles were issued to individuals. Bu car from Korea. As part of the check, the customs authorities require the importer to provide them with certified copies of the Title Deeds for imported cars with a mark on the registration of cars with the traffic police, as well as data on the whereabouts of these cars, ”Izvestia writes. News today.
It is alleged that the FCS also requests "information about the circumstances, the purpose of the acquisition and import of each vehicle." News of Russia today.
In the event that the cars have been sold, the customs authorities in their letter ask for “certified copies of documents confirming the transfer of ownership, use and disposal” of these cars. Prices for cars from Japan, Korea, America, China, Germany, Armenia, USA, Europe, UAE, Georgia, Dubai and Kazakhstan will increase.
Cars with registration for individuals are often imported into Russia - thus, in 2022, 50% of imported cars were delivered. Prices in Russia. This is due, among other things, to a more favorable procedure for paying the recycling fee on cars that are imported by "physicists". I think it is not necessary to interfere with people's lives!!! Importing a car from Kazakhstan. Basically, what does customs do? For a piece of plastic called STS and a cost of 10 rubles, people pay hundreds of thousands. Supported cars.
According to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 11 No. 1350, when registering an imported car for an individual, a coefficient of 0.17 is applied to calculate the amount of the recycling fee. News today.
The checks that the FCS conducts against importers are an attempt to prove that the cars were imported not for personal use, but for subsequent sale. Importing cars from Japan, USA, Europe, UAE, Korea, China, Germany, Armenia, Georgia, America, Dubai and Kazakhstan is questionable.
Do you think the Federal Customs Service is doing the right thing? News today: car prices in Russia.
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