3 Weird Ways Gamma Radiation Alters Hemoglobin You Never Knew
Video Description
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Discover three weird ways gamma radiation alters hemoglobin that you never knew! This groundbreaking study, led by Professor Dr. Nabila Selim and Associate Professor Dr. Seham El-Marakby from the Molecular Biophysics Lab, Radiation Physics Department, National Center for Radiation Research and Technology (NCRRT), Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (AEA), Cairo, Egypt, explores how gamma radiation impacts hemoglobin, the protein responsible for oxygen transport in the blood. Using advanced spectroscopy, the researchers uncovered structural and functional changes at the molecular level. This video explains the methodology, key findings, and implications for medical treatments and radiation safety. Join us on the For Science Salah Lotfy Channel for this fascinating scientific exploration!
#ScienceExplained #HemoglobinResearch #GammaRadiation #MolecularBiology #RadiationEffects #ScientificDiscovery #ForScienceSalahLotfy #MedicalResearch #OxygenTransport #Spectroscopy