Welcome to a quick video explaining and showing a bit how the difficulty in SFF will work.
We have 3 Difficulty in the game (Easy/Hard/Expert) Each difficulty will have different features that will either make the experience easier or harder for the player.
Easy: For those who wants a more casual experience and not worrying much about enemies, this difficulty will bring a relaxing experience.
Light attacks won't kill player but drain your rings overtime, while heavy attacks only removes 50 rings from you
-Hard: For those who wants a more challenging experience and master your controllers to avoid attacks, tougher enemies with faster attack rate and HP
Light attacks can kill the player while heavy attacks drawin about 300 rings from you
Expert: Secret gamemode you unlock after finishing the main game campaign, for those who wants a greater challenge, enemies have a way faster attack range, more HP and new attacks.
Light attacks drain your ring count twice as faster, while heavy attacks removes ALL your rings, doesn't matter if you have 1000 or 3000, all your rings will be removed with any heavy attack. In additional, the game will have no checkpoints through the open zone (You spawn from beginning) and time trial have a shorter time. Special Stages will have only 1 attempt instead of multiple attempts like Easy/Hard
Finishing the game in all 3 Difficulties will unlock exclusive content, later on to be revealed
NOTE: This footage does not represent the final product of the game, glitches seen in video will be fixed in final release