Flutter crash course for absolute beginners in 2024. Make sure you download the necessary assets from here
Part 2
• Flutter Beginners Course | Part 2
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• Flutter E-commerce App With Backend |...
Flutter Multi Vendor App
Flutter Single Vendor App
00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:02 Sow the app
00:02:00 Show the graphics
00:03:53 Show the end result
00:04:02 Download the softwares
00:05:25 Install VSCode
00:06:27 Install Android studio, platform tools and path setup for windows
00:11:24 Great project Android studio
00:16:35 Understand the project structure
00:23:31 Create a git repo for the project
00:26:24. Remove comments from main
00:28:56 About main() function
00:33:17 Understanding class and inheritance in Dart
00:46:01 Understand class and stateful class
01:01:38 MaterialApp and Scaffold
01:14:53 Create BottomNavBar class
01:21:56 BottomNavigationBarItem and add items to the List
01:33:29 Style BottomNavigationBar
01:36:11 Install icons for bottom nav bar
01:42:03 Create dummy screens for BottomNavigationBar
01:50:38 Access BottomNavigationBar's index
01:59:44 Use setState() to update BottomNavigationBar
02:03:22 Overview of the upcoming HomeScreen
02:07: 12 Understanding Container() widget
02:14:49. Understanding about other widgets
02.16:51 Understanding Horizontal and Vertical layout
02:18:27 Define widgets with layout
02:23:20 Finish header layout with widgets
02:33:32 Style Text() widgets
02:43:19 Create separate style class
02:51:06 Style Container for Image
02:56:55 Show image on the screen
03:03:35 Create a separate media file
03:10:24. Create search box layout
03:16:26 Background color and remove AppBar
03:20:42 Understand and create a reusable widget
03:38:08 Understand copyWith method and examples
03:59:13 Create TicketView widget class
04:07:44 Understand the ticketview layout
04:09:29 Style TicketView left and right border
04:13:55 TicketView destination text
04:18:11 TicketView big dots
04:22:23. Expanded widgets and count of them
04:25:50 Understanding Stack widget
04:28:45. Understand the mechanism for dynamically generation of widgets
04:32:01 Create AppLayoutBuilderWidget
04:46:08 Show and rotate plane icon
04:50:29 Understand the degree and radians for angle
04:53:34 Show names of departure and destination
04:57:27 Show the bottom part of the ticket
05:00:04 Create big circle widget for ticket end
05:11:27. Dart Ternary operator
05:16:13. Show the ticket dash
05:22:01 Change the text of the orange part
05:27:03 Style first row bottom text
05:31:35 Create reusable widgets for first row ticket
05:42:19 Create reusable widgets for bottom row ticket
05:54:59 Understanding const, final and immutibility
06:04:07 Understand dart Map & List together
06:08:56 Render data from map
06:26:01 Change map and limit number
06:31:34 Navigation and routing basics
06:39:24 Understanding Navigation and MaterialApp
06:46:36 Show all the tickets in new route
06:56:38. Use routes property for navigation
07:02:26 Create a route file
07:08:33 Dynamic navigation with callback
07:19:25 Create hotel widget
07:25:40 Show image and text on the hotel widget
07:35:56 Style hotel view
07:37:50 Load and show map data
07:42:20 Create search screen file and refactor code
07:52:42 Show title of search screen
07:59:22 Create ticket and hotel tabs
08:08:43 Reusable widgets for AppTicketTabs
08:13:17 Create AppTextIcon widget
08:24:39. Create FindTickets Widget
08:26:52 Show plane sit
08:34:19 Show bottom of the Column
08:40:15 Show the text on the right column
08:41:43 Stack widget for overlapping
08:47:50 Understand Stack Widget
08:51:14 Show text on the right column bottom
09:01:37 Refactor code
09:05:58 TicketScreen and tabs
09:21:19 Show the ticket view
09:30:06 Change ticket view top color
09:32:58 Change bottom part of the ticket color
09:42:25. Change the color of bottom text
09:54:23 Show more on the ticket screen with divider
10:06:02 Show more with reusable widgets
10:16:44 Show more with reusable widgets
10:17:44 Show the rest of the ticket detail
10:23:08 Show the big circles with positioned widget
10:30:37 Understanding the next part
10:36:32 Pass the ticket index around
10:40:57 Set up app bar and navigator
10:50:18 Grab passed index in the didChangeDependencies
10:53:58 Work on hotel routing
11:05:16 Understand GridView.builder
11:06:32 Show the grids using text of hotel view
11:07:57 Routing for hotel
11:10:56 Fix layout issue with margin
11:13:42 Introduce CustomScrollView
11:29:05 Routing for hotel detail
11:32:21 Create CustomScrollView
11:39:04 Assignments
11:45:39 Show image and title text
11:47:14 Work on the back button