Metronome speeds up in 2 bar increments to allow increasingly faster playing of music. Please comment with your progress.
Keejo Kesari Ke Laal
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How to Read Music (Guitar) - Repeat Signs 1
New Normal, Post-covid or the Great Reset: Where next?
Лето в шортах 🩳 Огород на балконе 🌶 Август 🗓 Месяц без хозяйки ✅
Memorize the states fast, ace your test! Also practice loop video available in the description.
Memorizing The Old Testament fast (funny song). Anyone can do this using a simple chorus.
Metronome speed ramp 96-200 bpm. Crush Guitar & Drum Speed going slow to fast
Learn all 50 States in about 20 minutes practice loops, anyone can do it. Chapters in description.
Memorize books of the New Testament (funny song) Woman has 27 sons and no daughters!
Blind repair replace broken tilter
Metronome speed ramp 50-100bpm Crush your Guitar Speed by going slow to fast
Make pop up cottage card with narration, also gingerbread house.
All 118 Elements Song 2020, If you can count to 118 you can memorize the elements
Awesome Pedal Car, Human Powered Car
Tie Heart Shaped Knot
Five Little Ducks went out one day