Esses jogos de flash parecem bonitinhos mas escondem algo perturbador, será que você já ouviu falar de Lacey quando era mais novo?
Ghosttundra: / @ghosttundra
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Restaurant (Overcooked)
A City Never Sleeps (VA-11 HALL-A)
puppet - Mary's theme (Ib)
Metamorphosis (CARRION)
Smile (.flow)
Wavelength of Oppression (No Straight Roads)
Dark (Eastward)
Cog Maze (Yume 2kki)
All Work No Play (Fear & Hunger 2 - Termina)
Barracks Settlement (Yume Nikki)
Crabby Beach (Ape Escape)
Fear the Reapers (Subnautica)
Calming Drizzle - Cafe Leisure (Coffee Talk)
Night Walker - Linne's Theme (Under Night In-Birth)