In this 3rd episode of the ‘Golden Earth Now’ Vlog Series Raphael Awen hosts and shares the show with his very special guest and beloved mate Jelelle Awen. Together, they feel the new dawn of the veil of consciousness being lifted, allowing us more access than we ever dreamed of to cosmic consciousness and our own soul legacy/other lifetimes/star being aspects, etc. Like a phantom limb sensation, the sense of the veil comes from our collective past rather than what is actually arising right now. Raphael and Jelelle also discuss the SoulFullHeart process, spaceholding sessions, plus immersion retreats and equinox retreats in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico to support you in your ascension process and journey as more is 'pushed up' to be digested and processed during this time of unveiling and energy shifts.
Today's show, as mentioned in the video, was inspired by Jelelle's writing earlier that same day and you can find that here:
This video is part of an ongoing series exploring heart, words and energy on a regular basis that will point us all in the direction of our true heart and soul home - Golden Earth or New Earth or 5D Earth, while letting us feel and heal fears that keep us living below our birthright.
The times we are presently in and entering deeper could not be more alchemical and changing, both for us personally and us together as a collective. With deep change comes both the fear on one hand of tipping over into chaos that doesn’t resolve and leaves us diminished and small, and on the other hand, the exhilaration of the possibility of truly changing and moving beyond what has felt like impenetrable barriers. Staying the same is no longer an option. How do we ride such waves?
First video in this series: Intention And Invitation - • Video
Second video in this series: Reverence, Reality, And Imagination -
• Video
For more information about the SoulFullHeart quantum healing process, Jelelle Awen's latest book Free To Be 5D, writings, videos, and information about SoulFullHeart community events including upcoming group calls, visit
For more information about a free consultation call to find out more about 1:1 sessions with SoulFullHeart Facilitators Raphael Awen, Gabriel Heartman, and Kalayna Solais, visit
Money donations are so appreciated and received with gratitude as an energy exchange to support SoulFullHeart to continue provide free offerings such as those on this channel. You can donate through paypal: