In this video, I just want to document my daily life in Tehran: cooking, learning Farsi, meeting new people, visiting.
It is also a way to document my progress in Farsi. I hope you will see more of my progress in the future.
Thank you to my friends for their support in this video.
Here are my other videos about language learning tips:
⭐️How to START learning a new languages on your own?Step by step tips!
• How to START learning a new language ...
⭐️How to make a good study plan to learn a language effectively ?
• How to make a good study plan to lear...
⭐️How do I study 6 languages simultaneously? Challenges and practical tips
• How do I study 6 languages simultaneo...
⭐️How to learn vocabulary in a smart and effective way?
• How to learn vocabulary in a smart an...
⭐️How to improve your speaking skills by yourself? The shadow boxing technique!
• How to improve your speaking skills b...
⭐️3 tips for learning a language effectively on your own
• 3 tips for learning a language effect...
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