Stored Procedure In Snowflake | Chapter-21.1 | Snowflake Hands-on Tutorial

Опубликовано: 12 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: Data Engineering Simplified

Stored Procedure In Snowflake allows data developer to wrap their complex logic and automate their repeatable manual process. This episode is a comprehensive & practical guide with hands-on excercise on stored procedure. It covers basics of stored procedure including different specification options (input params, language i.e. javascript/sql/java/scala, return type, volatile/immutable, caller/owners rights, strict etc) along side exception handling and transaction. This guide will help you to answer the following questions

🚀 What is caller's right and owner's right?
🚀 Can I write snowflake stored procedure in Javascript?
🚀 Can I write it in Java or Scala too? If so, how can I use it via SQL?
🚀 Java or Scala code gets converted into SQLs?
🚀 How does transaction management work in Snowflake stored procedure?
🚀 What is the limitation of stored procedure in snowflake.

So enjoy this video series and provide your valuable feedback.

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🚀 🚀 Chapters 🚀 🚀
➥ 00:00 Stored Procedure in Snowflake?
➥ 02:20 Episode-21 (part-1) Introduction
➥ 02:45 Why to subscribe to this channel
➥ 03:45 Lets write our 1st stored procedure
➥ 12:01 Stroed Procedure Construct in Snowflake
➥ 17:14 Called on null input or strict
➥ 20:51 Stroed Procedure Comments in Snowflake
➥ 22:21 Volatile vs Immutable Specificiation
➥ 25:45 Input Param case sensivity
➥ 28:25 Stored Procedure Body in Snowflake
➥ 37:50 Javascript API for Snowflake Stored Procedure
➥ 36:58 Multiline Continuation in snowflake stored procedure
➥ 43:31 Owner's & Caller's rights in Snowflake SP
➥ 48:57 Exception Handling in stored procedure
➥ 55:36 Transaction Management in stored procedure
➥ 60:53 SQL Scripting, Java & Scala in stored procedure
➥ 61:25 Stored procedure - Tips & Limitations
➥ 62:44 Stored procedure vs UDFs in Snowflake
➥ 63:59 Thank you note & Disclaimer

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Disclaimer: All snowflake-related learning materials and tutorial videos published in this channel are the personal opinions of the data engineering simplified team and they're neither authorized by nor associated with Snowflake, Inc.