If you're using Kajabi and you want to create a video sales page that converts there are a few little things that will make a HUGE difference to your ROI when using Kajabi.
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Selling is so much easier when your customers don't even realise they are being sold to and if you do it correctly your course sales with increase.
Here's how I set up a video sales page in Kajabi for maximum sales.
First I create a sales video that is packed with useful information.
I create a custom 2 step opt in page to capture the email address before they can access the information/sales page - those that don't buy get dropped into a follow up sales sequnce.
The layout of the page looks like an information page, but as I move into the pitch section of the presentation only then does the Call To Action button appear, up until that point it looks just like a tutorial.
In this video, I'm going to show you how to set up this video sales page in Kajabi and how when it's done correctly it makes a massive difference to your ROI
Download My Guide On Getting Started Creating Professional Video
Find Out More About Andrew Sweeney
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