Download Tablesome Free WordPress Table Plugin here -
Start Tablesome Pro Free Trial here -
Tablesome is a WordPress data tables plugin that allows you to fix/freeze the first, left most column of your tables when a scroll bar is applied.
If you want to freeze more than one column do let us know in our support channel.
You can contact us here -
----------------------Contents of the video ------------------------
00:00 - Why do you need to fix a column in a table
00:44 - Tablesome Pro
01:00 - How to create sticky columns
01:48 - Sticky columns in mobile devices
How to Create Sticky Table Headers
sticky table header on scroll
pure css sticky table header
css position sticky
Add Sticky Column to a Table
How to Freeze Multiple Rows and or Columns in Excel using Freeze Panes
create table in WordPress
how to insert table in WordPress
insert table WordPress
WordPress table
best table plugin for WordPress
best WordPress sortable table plugin
import excel table data cleanly into WordPress
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