This is the way to apply more than one material on the object without braking the geometry. Polygon material IDs are the key. Multi Sub-object is intended for materials that are not blending. The bordering line between them is very visible.
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Creating a terrain in Autodesk 3ds max with Editpoly modifier - paint deformation
Creating a staircase railings in Autodesk 3ds max
Making room in your scene disappear with slice modifier in Autodesk 3ds max
Copying object along multiple (complex) curves in Autodesk 3ds max
Removing material from any object in Autodesk 3ds max
Changing graphic mode in Autodesk 3ds max
Making a 2 texture tile in Autodesk 3ds max
Making a terrain with ffd modifier in Autodesk 3ds max
Creating Blend object along a specified curve in Adobe Illustrator
Making Adidas stripes using Shape builder tool in Adobe Illustrator
Drawing Diadora logo with Pen tool in Adobe illustrator
Drawing Adobe logo with Pen tool in Adobe illustrator
Creating a leg of a table using Loft in Autodesk 3ds max
Creating a animation video from image sequence with Adobe After effects
Defining path for camera and target using Path Constraint in Autodesk 3ds max
Converting object elements into separate objects in Autodesk 3ds max
Creating cove ceiling based on a line using poly modeling in Autodesk 3ds max
Creating tray celling using poly modeling in Autodesk 3ds max
Creating overhead neon light using material from Material library in Autodesk 3ds max
Creating neon overhead light using Arch&Design material in Autodesk 3ds max
Creating overhead neon light using standard material in Autodesk 3ds max
Using UV mapping to adjust texture on an armchair in Autodesk 3ds max
Using UVWMap modifier to adjust texture in Autodesk 3ds studio max
Adding a photo or a procedural map to a light in Autodesk 3ds max