Here are the timestamps for all of the training methods I mentioned so you can reference them. There is going to be a decently sized gap between this video and the next (probably a week or so) since I am going to do a bunch of quests and train all of my skills, so don't be discouraged if there are no videos for a bit, I'm training my account the same way you guys are.
07:39 Bronze Smithing (Burthrope Mine)
08:33 Iron Smithing (Burthrope Mine)
08:55 Steel Smithing (Coal is in Barbarian Village)
10:26 Mithril Smithing (Mithril is South-East and South-West of Varrock)
11:13 Adamant Smithing (Adamant is South-West of Varrock)
11:33 Luminite (Dwarven Luminite Mine is in North-East Falador)
12:49 Rune Smithing (Rune Ore is North of Edgeville in Wilderness)
13:57 Crayfish Fishing (South of Burthrope)
15:00 Flyfishing (Right Next to Barbarian Village, Feathers from Port Sarim)
16:29 Woodcutting (Entire Grind is in Draynor Village)
18:17 Fletching Training Methods
19:16 Runecrafting (RuneSpan is in Wizard's Tower South of Draynor)
21:16 Treasure Hunter Explanation
22:00 Crafting (Gem Rocks are in Al-Kharid Mine, North of Lodestone)
24:15 Dungeoneering (Boat to Daemonheim is South of Taverly)
26:59 Combat Training 1-20 (Chickens since it's good money)
27:22 Combat Training 20-30 (Minotaurs in Stronghold of Security)
28:10 Combat Training 30-40 (Hobgoblins North of Rimmington)
28:34 Combat Training 40-50 (Hill Giants in Edgeville Dungeon)
30:42 Blue Dragonhide Tanning (Best Free-to-Play Moneymaker)
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