Radxa Zero 3W (also sold as the Rock Zero 3W) single board computer specifications and Debian Xfce demo. You can learn more about the board, and download OS images, here: https://radxa.com/products/zeros/zero3w/
I purchased my 2GB RAM / 16GB eMMC board from AllNet here:
And it is listed on OKdo here:
Please note that I have no affiliation with any of the above.
You can find my review of the Raspberry Pi Zero 2W here:
• Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W
And all of my non-Raspberry Pi ARM SBC reviews are listed on this page:
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00:00 Introduction
00:39 A New Zero (hardware overview)
05:13 Debian Xfce
12:02 eMMC boot?
14:54 Zeros Galore! (wrap)
#RadxaZero3W #Zero3W #RockZero3W #SBC #ExplainingComputers