Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning Final Year Project by Mahesh Huddar

Опубликовано: 28 Сентябрь 2024
на канале: Mahesh Huddar

Credit Card Fraud Detection Using Machine Learning Final Year Project by Mahesh Huddar

Follow the link:

to download the
Source Code,
Project Report,
Instructions to install the necessary Software and Libraries,
Step-by-step instructions to execute the project.

The project aims to predict fraudulent credit card transactions using machine learning models.
This is crucial from the bank’s as well as the customer’s perspective.
The banks cannot afford to lose their customers’ money to fraudsters.
Every fraud is a loss to the bank as the bank is responsible for the fraudulent transactions.

We have used a total of 5 algorithms in our project
Logistic Regression
K-Nearest Neighbours
Decision Tree
Random Forest

Six Techniques are used for undersampling or oversampling
Random oversampling
Random Undersampling
Tomek Links Undersampling
Cluster centroids under sampling
SMOTE Oversampling
SMOTE + Tomek Links

The following concepts are discussed:
Credit Card Fraud Detection,
Credit Card Fraud Detection using Machine learning,
Credit Card Fraud Detection project,
Credit Card Fraud Detection source code,
Credit Card Fraud Detection project source code,
Credit Card Fraud Detection final year project,
Credit Card Fraud Detection machine learning,
Credit Card Fraud Detection imbalanced data,
credit card fraud detection project using machine learning,
credit card fraud detection project Python,
credit card fraud detection project with source code,
credit card fraud detection project using data science,
credit card fraud detection ppt,
credit card fraud detection report,
machine learning projects with source code


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