Conditional Rendering in React #8 React Course
Conditional rendering is the ability to render different user interfaces if a condition is true or false.
In React, it allows us to render different elements or components based on a condition.
And also it works the same way conditions work in JavaScript.
🧿 I discussed:
✔️ What is conditional rendering in React
✔️ How to render UI using logical operator
✔️ How to render UI using IIFE
✔️ How to render UI using Short circuit evaluation and logical operator
0:00 What is conditional rendering?
0:30 Render using the if operator
1:17 Immediately Invoked Function Expressions
1:45 Ternary operator
2:00 Short circuit evaluation
Previous Video: • Handling Events In React #7 React Course
Next video: • ReactJS list and keys #9 React Course
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