Gradle Shadow Plugin is a simple way to create a fat JAR for your Java application, making it easy to distribute and run your project with all its dependencies included. You can adjust the configuration as needed for your specific project requirements.
In this video, we will learn about creating a fat jar using Gradle’s ShadowJar plugin.
00:00 Intro
00:35 Executable jar requirements - Main class and dependencies
01:13 Creating a fat jar using Shadow Plugin
01:26 Apply Shadow plugin in Gradle project
01:48 shadowJar task generates jar file with all dependencies
02:26 no main manifest attribute error
02:46 Configure shadowJar with Main class attribute
03:15 Run executable jar
03:37 Bind shadowJar task to gradle build task
04:37 Configure jar file name, version and classifier
05:02 Summary
#intellij #gradle #javatutorial #shadowplugin