Is your home's foundation sturdy enough for this earth-shattering Aftershoot update?
Introducing a super streamlined workflow in Aftershoot with the all-new Tab Bar update – an effortless way to go from importing to culling, editing, and exporting.
This update means:
You no longer have to leave the Aftershoot app in between importing, culling, and editing your images
You can see real-time changes with Lightroom open in the background when making adjustments in Aftershoot
Compatibility with new software options, such as Camera Raw (Photoshop), Adobe Bridge, and the Lightroom Cloud
We've also stepped up our AI cropping software with brand-new cropping modes and settings to give you options for social media, print specs, and more.
Update your app now and let us know in the comments what you think about this new workflow system in Aftershoot.
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00:00 Intro
00:06 Tab Bar
00:56 New Crop Mode
01:25 Outro