If you would like me to work on your system, click the link to our contact us page, call us, and leave a voicemail with a detailed description:
BuildYourCNC website: HTTP://www.BuildYourCNC.com
NewbieHack website for my MCU Programming: HTTP://www.NewbieHack.com
The 24"x24"x8" enclosure used for the electronics:
VEVOR Magnetic Drill: https://s.vevor.com/bfQfyo
Coupon code: VVPRO to save 5% off
My curated list of tools and items I recommend:
If you need help with CNC electronics, purchase tokens here:
Here is a video that can assist you in assembling the other components, but the links below have more detailed videos.
• Customer Plasma Electronics (Internal...
The proximity switch connectors: https://amzn.to/44fEF9M and https://amzn.to/45wnYYN