Creating high-quality vehicle photos consistently can be a challenge for auto dealerships. While media teams can produce stunning images with high-end equipment and editing software, dealerships need a solution that is cost-effective, error-free, and efficient for daily use. This is where EZ360 Automated 4K Photo Studio comes in. Designed specifically for dealerships, it offers automated services that deliver 4K photos with background replacement (BGR), ensuring consistent, professional-looking images without the need for a studio.
EZ360's EZSmart service takes the hassle out of the process by automatically processing existing photos on AI servers and displaying them on custom Vehicle Display Pages (VDPs) on dealership websites. With a flat rate of just $5 per vehicle identification number (VIN), dealerships can enjoy high-quality images without the need for manual editing or adjustments. BGR technology removes distracting elements from the background of photos, replacing them with a chosen backdrop, such as a showroom or photo studio, to highlight the vehicles and improve overall presentation.
The EZSmart process goes beyond BGR, offering additional enhancements such as cropping, centering, lighting balancing, and image enlargement. This comprehensive approach ensures that every photo is optimized for maximum visual appeal and consistency across all vehicles in inventory. With EZ360's automated services, dealerships can streamline their photo processes, save time, and present their vehicles in the best possible light to attract potential buyers.
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EZ360 delivers auto dealer photo solutions from a turnkey Automated 4K Photo Studio to the EZTurn Fiberglass Turntable to EZSmart AI software for automated 4K enhancement and background replacement. We work with dealers from large auto groups to independent dealerships. Contact us for a quote or to learn more at or (888) 88-EZ360 (888-883-9360).