Powercord is a client modification just like BetterDiscord. Client modifications for Discord are against discord's terms of service. This means you can be banned for using powercord so use it at your own risk.
The differences between Powercord and BetterDiscord are heavily debated. While you could pick and choose whether or not you want to install powercord, just know that it is a bit more involved vs BetterDiscord. Feel free to make your decision based on experience if powercord is better than betterdiscord. While I personally think powercord has a ton of power user utilities, betterdiscord is a whole heckuva lot easier to use.
Answer for your Question: Will I get banned for using Powercord?
Please Refer article :https://powercord.dev/faq#:~:text=The....
git – https://git-scm.com/downloads
node and npm (v10.0.0 or later; LTS is recommended*) – https://nodejs.org
Discord Canary (Powercord will only work with Canary!)
macOS: https://discord.com/api/download/cana...
Windows: https://discord.com/api/download/cana...
Linux (deb): https://discord.com/api/download/cana...
Linux (tar.gz): https://discord.com/api/download/cana...
Note: You cannot have both Powercord and another client mod injected at the same time. If you have one installed, you must first uninstall it from your Discord Canary installation before proceeding to installation.
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Here we will assume that you have correctly installed ‘Git’ and ‘Node’ and are using ‘Discord Canary’. It is also worth mentioning that if you are on Linux, we highly recommend that you leave Discord Canary running while going through Steps 1 and 2.
*Open a command prompt / terminal of your choice (e.g. CMD if you’re on Windows, or Terminal if you’re using Linux / macOS) - Windows users: please do NOT select “Run as an Administrator” as Powercord will fail to inject if you do so.
*In chronological order, type each of these commands into the same command prompt / terminal opened in Step 1:
git clone https://github.com/powercord-org/powe...
cd powercord
npm i
npm run plug (Linux users: you’ll need to run this command with sudo)
*Completely “kill” your Discord Client (right-click in the System Tray / “Quit DiscordCanary”).
*Start Discord back up and Powercord should be injected!
*Open a command prompt / terminal of your choice.
*Navigate to your existing Powercord installation (e.g. cd powercord).
*Type npm run unplug (Linux users: you’ll need to run this command with sudo)
*Completely “kill” your Discord Client (right-click in the System Tray -/“Quit DiscordCanary”).
*Start Discord back up and Powercord should no longer be injected.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to do this BEFORE deleting Powercord's files, or else you’ll risk ending up with a corrupted Discord installation!
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